dis is the Txsco product.. pls look at t "brand" name for dis spaghetti.. do u know y they use white colour? haha... let me tel u WHY~
let me compare dis xxx spaghetti with txsco produce de spaghetti.. different brand n different prices (for sure the txsco brand = cheaper) but both also in same weight as it mentioned there ...
so.. let me show u smt... i balance it n the result = as below...
dis is the xxx brand de... even it written 500g on the plastic, but the result tat i got = 510g..
how bout the Txsco brand?... show time...~
c tat?... even there written 500g, but the result = 310g..
so? wat does it means?.. it show tat txsco does not show the reality to their customers. they simply write t weight n let the customers compare btw their product n others. even their product = cheaper than others, in fact, the weight is not same.. how come they cheat their customers?... ya, they have their own strategy n they r able to produce their own product with cheaper prices.. BUT! they should follow the political n legal rules mar.. not only for this product actually..
SO! as a smart consumer, we should be more concern while purchasing smt...
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