Tuesday, September 25, 2007

happy moon cake festival 2007!

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--------happy moon cake festival 2007!!!

i heard tat tomolo is moon cake festival, haha.. without moon cake, stil have to celebrate right? but... wat is the best choice to celebrate moon cake festival?
the answer is... when u'r at outdoor, try to look at the moon, think about the cake (wat kind of cake also fine), so? moon + cake = moon cake festival.. wahaha.. no need to spend $$ for celebrating... am i right? wahahah... again.. this kind of festival , no cake, no party, n no gathering... jus can stay at library or home to K book... hai... mayb "book cake" is better than moon cake for my final~ T.T
eat knowledge cake better than RM9++ de moon cake... wahaha... swt~ =.="

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